Today was my get it done day! Finally feeling better enough to tend to some home duties Yay!.
I got all the dishes done, bedroom picked up, 5 errands run, 12 cups of flour ground, 3lbs of chicken cooked and frozen, 3 loaves of banana bread made, and 6 loads of laundry done. Then three pairs of pants got ruined, two of them belonging to my husband, due to a pesky burt's bees that somehow made it into my laundry. Oh man, I felt like such a bad wife, one of them was a really nice pair of slacks we just splurged on last weekend, and the other was my husband's favorite gortex climbing pants. Arrrgg...that put a big stop to my efficiency. I panicked a little, I had already dried it in, and you see, I ruined my husband's work shirt with an ink pen when we first got married, and it was a big deal. Never came out,and I tried everythinggg. He was not too happy.
Guess what though?! With lots of prayers, and research,and phone calls, and goo gone, and dawn, soaking for about 9 hours, and lots and lots of scrubbing, and a few cycles through the washer. Its almost all gone! Praise Yahweh!!! HE is too good to us.
Well, this post is about a week late, but I've been under the weather. Adam and I celebrated one year of marriage, last monday on October 25th! :)
I can not believe it has been a year, and at the same time I can. I feel like a different person, and yet I don't. It has been an amazing year, and such a journey. Thinking back to that day is just too much fun, and I am in awe of how Yah orchestrated everything so perfectly, and made my dreams come true. It is truly incredible the wedding we had with the amount of money and time we had. What a blessing to have the family and friends we have, the creativity,and the generosity of The One we serve.
My father decorated the chuppah, and my brother sang the song I walked down the aisle to.
We did the traditional circling of the groom ,which, to me, symbolized the breaking down of walls between us. Each circle getting closer and closer.

Our sister in law and her mother made our beautiful cake.

My best friend took all of the pictures and hand painted our breathtaking ketubah, which is a marriage contract that states our commitment to one another.
Every part and aspect of my wedding and getting there was filled with lessons and sweet kisses from my heavenly Father.
Baruch Hashem Adonai!
Yay Yahweh! He is so awesomely good to us all of the time and that was a time I will always remember and cherish.... so very blessed and special in every way....He is sooooo good!!!!